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Crochet Magazine Loveliness!

Now my Pa isn't much of a crochet fan, but when
I heard I was going to be in Inside Crochet magazine last month, I order that all family members go out and purchase a copy for their 'Emma Scrapbook', and all beit a little late, he called me last week to say he'd got it.  We chatted for a bit and he said how great the pirate looked, and I said 'what pirate?' and he said the one in 'Love Crochet' magazine.  Having no idea what he was talking about I dragged the littlest to the shops today and found THREE magazines that Crochet-Dress up has been featured in!

I found:
Three lovely reviews
Two pics on front covers
One center fold

Surely this now qualifies me for crochet stardom and unimaginable wealth?


  1. Wow, worldwide crochet domination awaits! xx

  2. I think it might just be you that sees it Josie! But thank you x
