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About & Contact

Emma Friedlander-Collins is an upcycling and remaking champion, finding positive ways to use her craft powers for good and sharing them with anyone that wants them ;)

She started designing and selling crochet patterns in 2011. With her unique approach and unusual designs, she has established herself as an innovative designer and online success.

Her books'Crochet Hacking: Repair and Refashion with Crochet',  'Crochet Dress-Up', 'Big Hook Crochet' and '35 Crochet Bags' can be found online and in all good book stores.  Although she still sells individual patterns at the place where it all began - her little corner of Etsy and more recently at LoveCrochet.

She is passionate about sustainability and continually works to discover ways to use craft and making to create communities and inspire others.  She also wrangles this into her other work as a content creator for LoveCrafts presenting their sewing channel on Youtube, and lecturer in Visual Promotion where she teaches students the fine art of creating visual stories as part of a BA in Fashion Communication.

Emma has been featured in 'Mollie Makes', 'Simply Crochet, 'Inside Crochet', 'Love Crochet' and 'Crochet Now' magazines, and has contributed to a number of other online and paper publications. She has also collaborated with the lovely people at HobbyCraft, Hoooked Zpagetti, DMC, Crochyay Boxes and other scrummy yarn companies, and has had her yarn photography featured in a variety of publications from The Guardian to LoveCrochet.

You can contact her at or hop on over to her instagram account and send a message.


  1. Hi Emma,

    I've commented before as your blog is a favourite of mine. I'm currently doing freelance work for a small, independent knitting supplies company and occasionally I get a small sample of product to review. Would you be interested in any collaboration work in future? Let me know :) All the best, Helen (The best email to get me on is )

  2. I've just found your blog and I love it, thanks to my simply crochet magazine. I'll be visiting regularly.
    Thanks for all the effort you put into sharing your knowledge. Monica

    1. Thank you such a lovely comment Monica! I'm not very consistent but I hope to get better 😘 x

  3. Hi Emma. I'm just wondering when your big hooks will be back in your Etsy shop? Thanks, heather at micanip dot com

    1. Oh goodness, only just seen this! We'be just finished making some more, so i'll be getting them listed next week x

  4. Hi Emma

    I would like like to make a bag from your book which requires Katia big Ribbon Xl. It's quite expensive so I wAs wondering if there was an alternative yarn that you could suggest? Thanks

    1. Hi Debbie, sorry for the delay, only just spotted your message! Hoooked do a ribbon tape, in fact any 'tape' yarn would work just as well xxx

    2. Hi Debbie, sorry for the delay, only just spotted your message! Hoooked do a ribbon tape, in fact any 'tape' yarn would work just as well xxx

  5. Hi Emma, I recently bought your honeycomb hexie cushion pattern from the Love Crochet website. Is there an instructional video to go with it?

    1. Hi Rachel, there isn't a video i'm afraid, what is it that you seem to be stuck with? Whizz me over an email to and i'll see i can help x
