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Winter Colour

We grew up near a beach which means we NEVER go in the summer.  That's when it's baking hot, there's not a scrap of shade or relief from the incessant sun, all the colour is bleached out of everything by the blinding sunlight and it's rammed with lobster-pink packs of people all claiming a tiny patch of pebbles as their own.  No, we go in the winter.  In the winter when the subtle shades of pale blue and grey of the sea and sky blend into each other, when the cloud and mist comes down and cuddles you, so all you hear is the crash of the waves as you comb through pebbles, shells and curious bits of creature.  And, there's no-one else there, it's just you, the beasts and the sea.

So last weekend, wrapped in scarves, hats and coats we packed up and hauled out to the beach.  It was gorgeous, and this time, instead of pocketing all the pebbles and scraps that we found, to fill the house with an unsettling fishy smell in a few days time, I just took photos.  The colour palette of everything that we found is going to be a fantastic inspiration for some makes at a later date.


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