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My Craft Witch

A while ago I told you about buying a spinning wheel from a witch (in the most flattering way), with arcane, magical knowledge of all things crafty.  She has become a regular feature of my week, and frankly stops me from sliding into an isolated crochet hole.  So while I am working hard trying to design something and get a sample together to submit to PomPom Magazine, and continue to work on a tapestry collection, and design something for a collaboration with Poppies & Polkadots, she is my craft-relief.

Last week we dyed wool with coreopsis flowers, which was practically a spiritual experience for me.  This week I made my first skein and learned all about sheep breeds.  She's 50 years my senior but there are moments of sparkling connection between us as we share our love of colour and wool and craft.  Next week we're going to learn how to deal with a raw fleece.  Every week it's a completely amazing craft and friendship experience.

 Dried pansies for dying

 Experiments dying with heather twigs

My first, plyed skein


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