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Taking Stock

One year ago today, the first copies of my 'Crochet Dress-Up' book arrived in the post.  I'd left the 'day job' just two weeks before, and had no idea what was going to come or how I would go forward, but I knew that this was the best chance I'd have at making a career for myself from crochet.

Last week I was starting to panic, having finished book 3, everything was alarmingly quiet, and I had that panic that all self-employees have of 'why am I doing this?!'   So I sat down, and listed out everything I'd achieved in the last year.  It looks like this:

 - 2 x books released
- 1 x new book written
- 12+ magazine features
- 4 x interviews
- 1 x photo commission for 20 pics for LoveCrochet
- 1 x front page photo feature on The Guardian
- 6 months and counting designing for 'Art of Crochet'
- 1 x photo shoot at Conde Nast
- 1 x my own collection
- over 60 new designs
- 1 x qualification in Education & Training
- 3 x workshops
- 4 x Big Hook sales
- Lots of new people to work with

And I was so proud!  Then I realised that it can't always be all at full throttle, that it's actually good to have some down time, to recharge and think about the way forward.  I've worked hard, and been incredibly lucky that work has been received so well.  Hopefully, it'll keep moving forward, in the slightly organic, but positive way that it's been doing, without my even noticing.

And I'll remember to take stock every now and then, just as a reminder that things are happening, even if I don't notice them.

Just some spring pics, and a bit more reflecting on the time of year... xxx


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