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So #crochethacking has definitely become A Thing.

#crochethacking is a way of interacting, upcycling, remaking, rethinking and redesigning old clothes that would otherwise end up in landfill, using crochet as a way of bringing them back to life. It's a way you can fall back in love with things you might have got tired of, a way of reforming and changing the shape, fit, and style of any garment that you can get your hands on.

I've got together with the fabby Katie Jones and we're creating a collection of upcylces using crochet to bring boldness, colour and personality.  We're also working with a bunch of magazines to make some special patterns for everyone so keep 'em peeled over the next few months :)

I think the reason it's taken of in the way it has is that it's not just about crochet, but it's a whole way of life. A way of feeling like we can actually do something to make a difference: keep clothes out of landfill, reduce our individual impacts on the planet, step in and use positive action to make a change.

Yes, it's only small. Yes, it's just a bit of crochet, but for every garment that you reimagine, and every practical skill you improve on, the more resilient we become and the less we need to get a kick out of a Primark binge.

In my true, disorganised fashion it has taken FOREVER to start writing patterns up for people to use. In my defence these are now entering the realms of sewing instructions, pattern cutting and garment construction. (I'm saying this to make it sound complicated, it reeeeally isn't).

Anyway, first three makes are finally available over at Etsy  and will be over at Lovecrochet asap.  Please do let me know what you think of them, any improvements and amendments will be very welcome!