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Make It Better Mini Almanac Zine

 A year ago 4 of us sat down and talked about making our own craft mag with sustainability at its heart and a democraftic vision to get everyone confident making things, sharing skills, tools, patterns and ideas to help us slowdown and reconnect. We started and then stumbled under the weight of Covid, homeschooling, writing 3 craft books (I know right, who does that?!) and generally trying to stay afloat.

It was a weird blessing, it forced us outside more and away from our screens. It took us to the woods, the park, the beach, anything to get the daily exercise and stop going mad. It revealed a whole world of birds, plants, bugs and beautiful nature. I've been collecting colours from nature for 5 years now, I have a whole archive of inspiration, but Covid seemed the right time to share it and you loved it.

January 2021 seems the perfect time to pick this back up and run with it. We've got our heads around how to work in lockdown, between us we have a years worth of craft tutorials, how tos and inspiration to share and we are all passionate about living in better balance as a way to Make It Better. So let me introduce you to the new mini-almanac-zine. (I figure we start small and crafty ;) )

Welcome to the Make It Better fold out almanac and craft zine. It includes monthly notes on the sky, sun and sea, things you can see and do outdoors, seasonal colour inspiration and stitching, sewing, crochet, papercraft and all round crafting ideas. 

This months mini mag includes an exclusive crochet hacking pattern to upcycle and reuse your Christmas sweaters, inspiring ways to use sashiko stitching and as it's our first zine, a fold out poster of our manifesto to help you set your New Years intentions and kick things off as you mean to go on.

There's a paper copy is printed, folded and posted to your door or you can download it and make it yourself (for extra advice on how to cut and fold your mag follow @makeitbettermag on Instagram). Both versions can be found over on Etsy.

Make It Better is a modern, multi-platform magazine with sustainability at its heart. It has a democratic vision to get everyone confident in making things and shares ways to slowdown and connect. Based in the UK, we have tried to keep it as universal as possible, so while you may not have the same flora, fauna or seasonal weather, the ideas, patterns and info will still inspire you.

Editor Emma is the successful author of six crochet, zerowaste and craft books. She regularly contributes to craft and crochet magazines, and Make It Better was nominated for the Mollie Makes Handmade Champion Award. The team behind this mag include Christine Leech & Katie Jones, both presenters and judges on Kirstie's Handmade Christmas and craft legends, and Emily Ashborne, instagram sensation and maker extraordinaire. They share a passion for sustainability and how craft can be a vital part of our toolkit to Make It Better.

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