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Katie Jones and I are getting together some AWESOME crochet hacks to share with y'all right now, but I've got far too excited over this particular one not to share it immediately.

This denim jacket has spent months as a too-small shirt, languishing in a drawer. Initially it was gonna get a crop to make a bit more of a summer affair but the tightness around the arms and shoulders was still a massive problem. Then ping! The crochet brain kicked in and the scissors came out. Now it's got a badass retro cowboy vibe that I'm am completely in love with.

And being in love is the point. It's all very well to tell people to think about mending things rather than throwing them out, but it's not a holey clothes that's the problem. It's cheap, easy to by, throw-away clothes that's the problem. Once that initial crush is over we happily discard things and move on to the next one. There's no love. Ok, ok, every now and then it's the Real Thing and you fall for a top that you will be with forever, but mostly it's just a phase.

Finding ways to fall back in love with your clothes and give them a new life, or finding a preloved thing that you can make your own helps massively in the fight for the planet. Keeping stuff out of landfill, saving on resources to make new stuff, learning how to make your own stuff, this aaaaall helps. and if that means adding an Evil Keneaval tripe to a denim shirt then so be it.


  1. I want to learn how to crochet just so I can use this hack on my too small denim shirt!

  2. I love this idea! My 4 year old daughter has a denim jacket from when she was a toddler, I'm going to check if it will work with this method
