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Modern Maker

In Januray I set myself the resolution of falling in love with traditional crochet motifs: the granny square and the hexie.  I'm far too fidgety to sit and make the same thing over and over, usually these sorts of traditional makes wouldn't appeal to my, wriggling child.  However, they're so ubiquitous, and SO popular, ,that I figured there must be something that keeps people coming back.

I regularly write for, and as I like to make tutorial for them each month, I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to have an experiment, and see what a playful attitude and some very contemporary colours could do.

So far we've had 3D Geo Hexies, a bold design with 2tone granny squares, and this month it's the turn of the Honeycomb Hexie.  This months is my favourite so far, but I'm genuinely excited to see what the rest of the year will bring.

I'm gradually getting the full patterns written up and in the Shop, but if you're happy to hang out and don't need full instructions, I will eventually be getting most of the tutorials up at Mrs.Steel's School. 


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