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Wow, it's been 8 months since I began this crochet journey, and I can't believe that it hasn't been a complete disaster!  I think there's some sort of formula that I can share with you, that illustrates the key to success:

Confidence in your abilities + reaching out to the online crochet community + defining your aesthetic and 'brand' + working really freaking hard = successful crochet career

On the working really freaking hard point, when all was still quiet a couple of months ago, I decided to set my own brief of designing a collection for myself.  An Autumn/Winter collection using all the yarns I like, making all the things that had been buzzing round in my head.   It's only a little collection, but I am so impossibly thrilled with how it's come out that, even though I'm up to my RSI throbbing wrists in crochet work right now, I've decided to release the patterns, one a week, from the 1st of October.

The best thing about this collection?  They're all for me and my hubster, and they're things that bring me SO much joy when I put them on.  Which is surely the reason to make and wear anything.

This cowl right here?  This is just my FAVOURITE thing I've ever made.  Ever.


  1. Love the cowl amazing where can I get the pattern please xxx

  2. Love the cowl amazing where can I get the pattern please xxx

  3. Hi Julie, thank you! The pattern's over at my Etsy shop, just click the 'shop' link, top left of this page xxx

  4. Hi Julie, thank you! The pattern's over at my Etsy shop, just click the 'shop' link, top left of this page xxx
