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Good Things Come to Those Who Try

Well, it has been a productive week in the world of making money from crochet!  I say that, I've made exactly no money at all, but it's not always about the short term gain, sometimes it's about the long term game.

The very lovely Bibelot Magazine have happily published my first attempts at 'journalism' - you can read it here.  It was such a childish impulse to join in that made me email them in the first place, just to say how lovely they are and that I'd love to work with them somehow.  After a few emails back and forth working out ideas, I pulled this little piece together and that was it!  What it's given me is the confidence to do more, hone my style and punctuation and keep going.  Who knows, one day maybe I'll get paid for it, but for now it's just gratifying to know that people don't hate it.

Now, the other non-immediate-money-making-thing: I applied to be a teacher for adult evening classes, teaching crochet.  They weren't advertising for crochet teachers, they were looking for knitters, but I thought it was worth asking, and they said 'fill out the form', so I did.  Astonishingly I got a first interview, and after giving a mini-teaching session to a Spanish teacher, a man that knows all about seizures and a sewing machine specialist, I got through to the formal interview, and have been asked to join their list of tutors, with a specialism in 'modern' crochet.  Next step is to get my teacher training qualifications (which they will pay for) and start teaching at various colleges in September. 

The moral of this story is just to try.  The very worse thing that can happen is that people will say 'no', but you won't have lost anything.  It just takes an email, and if you're too scared to send that email, write the thing and get someone else to click on send for you.

 Made this little basket as a demo piece

Getting all the hooks together for the mini lesson


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