One of the things that kept popping up was crochet mandalas. I tend to make useful, practical things, and while I know mandalas are a growing trend in crochet world, not knowing what they're 'for', had never felt compelled to make one. Encouraged by the @craftastherapy community, I decided to give it a go, and in my usual, doodling with wool fashion, I came up with this. I enjoyed the process immensely, within a couple of hours I had a lovely thing in my hands, and had learned some nice, techniques for making spokes on the way.
I did a little research and found that mandalas are a spiritual device, a thing that when finished represents the completeness of the cosmos used by a variety of faiths. They're also used in some therapeutic practices as "creating mandalas helps stabilise, integrate, and re-order inner life" Susan F. Fincher.
I thought that was all rather nice, went back to my practical makes and left it at that.
A few days later I went to the funeral of a beautiful soul and it was shattering. On arriving home I couldn't find any where to put my sadness, and I thought of those words.
I found yarns that reminded me of him, in colours of the earth,woods and cosmos, and set to work.
Each round thinking of him and who he was.
At the end I had a small sense of closure, a certain completeness that had been missing, and a physical thing with which to touch him.
It's a not practical, but it's the most useful thing I've ever made.
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