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The Blog

The Blog.  Everyone's got one haven't they?   But what's one of the first things you do when you hear about someone you like?  Yep, you Google them.  A blog is an easy way to have an online presence without entering the world of The Website.  Mine is just a regular blogspot one, with some fancy html code that I found online to change the look.  Super easy and super quick.

Having said all that, I am rubbish with mine, but it has been invaluable in getting crochet work.  It can be your online portfolio, as well as being a free and easy way of getting traffic to your online store.  Adding ‘how to’s’ and tutorials can generate interest in what you do, or sharing a free pattern which is a great way of getting people over, as well as testing out your ideas.

Only one to go after this lovehearts!


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