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Share Your Creativity

When I recently set out to 'get involved with social media' I didn't really understand what I was supposed to do.  I started posting things on Instagram, faffing with this blog more, and poked around on facebook joining makers groups.  But I still didn't get it.  I knew there were amazing makers out there, I'd been looking at their feeds, but I wasn't entirely sure of how I was supposed to 'connect' with them, or why.

You'll know about my Instagram addiction by now, but it's for a very good reason.  I started following people who made things I liked.  I eventually got the courage up to leave comments on their feeds, and now, a few months in, I finally 'get it'.  I love the little group of friends I have in this crazy, virtual, visual world.  I look forward to their comments and seeing bits of their lives.  I love the fact that they range from Melbourne to Norwich.

It's not about networking in the old fashioned sense, which is what I thought people were going on about, it's literally just about making like minded friends, and every now and then something will spark and you'll suddenly have a collaboration or a commission.

In fact this week I did my first hashtag for makeitsewcial - a lovely curated collection by craft genius Alison Sadler, and won maker of the week.  It was honestly as exciting as passing my driving test or giving birth, and from it I've met even more new like-mindeds, it's brilliant.

I finally understand that the more you share your creativity with the world, the more you share the worlds creativity.

 My makeitsewical bag


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